When you get to know Dr Zulumathabo Zulu, author of the first ever Mathematics dictionary in English-Sesotho, you get a sense that he knows everything about everything. He is particularly interested in the origin – the true Genesis – of things.
This was the reason for our excitement to be part of his public lecture at Naledi Farm titled “tshehlo tse tharo”. Tshehlo is a Sesotho word for a thorn. Tshe is from the word tshela (to cross or to jump over). Hlllo signifies the sound the thorn makes as it enters your bare flesh, delivering excruciation et al.
Zulu in his lecture referred to three thorns that make it harder for African descendants to collaborate for the benefit of one another.
– The first thorn (tshehlo ya pele) is jealousy (mona).
– The second one (tshehlo ya bobedi) is fear that somebody will be / is becoming more successful than you are (mohono)
– The third thorn one (tshehlo ya boraro) is disdain (lenyatso)
Below are some of the pics from this inspiring occasion. Get the rest from @naledifarm on Instagram and on Naledi Farm Facebook page
Also published on Medium.